Employee Educational Fund
Come be part of the best home care staff in Massachusetts.
We are pleased to announce our new employment benefit, the Employee Educational Fund. This educational benefit is a tuition assistance program that helps our employees and their families with education costs.

We believe that subsidizing our employees’ expenses for continuing education is a great way to add to their skills and knowledge, which they can then apply to help make our business a success. We feel equally strongly about assisting with the education costs for our employees’ children. This is our way of investing in the future.
Under this program, eligible employees who enroll in a degree or certification program may be reimbursed up to $1,500 per fiscal year. To be eligible for this program, an employee must work a minimum of 30 hours a week and have been employed at Advanced for at least 12 months at the time of the application. In addition, the employee must be in good performance standing and not have been subject to any disciplinary action within six months of the application date.
Eligible employees are required to complete an application, and submit it to the Educational Fund Committee, consisting of Olyve Githorogri, Isuf Restelica and Izabella Ayolphi.
If you are interested in applying, please fill out the application below. If you choose to use the fund for your children’s education, you must provide additional information (in the highlighted section). The committee will provide oversight for the program, will review and approve/deny all applications in November, and announce the decisions during the first week of December.
We are very proud of our organization and are very grateful to our employees for their contributions to our success. Establishing the Employee Educational Fund is our way of saying thanks.