Home Health Aide Curriculum
This free coursework will teach you everything you need to know.
A 75-hour program conducted by our professional instructors is all you need to become a Certified Home Health Aide. Our training course satisfies all federal and state requirements and will allow you to work at any skilled or non-skilled home care agency as a Certified Home Health Aide. The course outline is as follows:
- Program Orientation: 3 hours
- Human Growth and Development: 3 hours
- The Older Adult in Society: 3 hours
- Communication: 3 hours
- Individuals and Families: 3 hours
- Special Problems/Abuse: 4 hours
- Death and Dying: 3 hours
- Nutrition: 3 hours
- Home Management: 3 hours
- Home Safety: 3 hours
- Blood Borne Diseases and Universal Precautions: 4 hours
- Client Health Part I: 4 hours
- Client Health Part II: 4 hours
Home Maker Exam
- Intro to Personal Care (Hygiene, Grooming, Appliances): 4 hours
- Personal Care (Elimination, ROM, Pressure Sores, Bed making): 4 hours
- Personal Care (Ostomy care, Elastic Stockings, Dressings, Vital Signs): 4 hours
- Rehabilitation Procedures/Process: 4 hours
- HHA’s role in Nutrition, Meds, O2, Confidentiality, Reporting, Medical Abbreviations: 4 hours
- Hospice: 3 hours
Want more information? Give us a call at 508-872-8700.